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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ranstead Room - Shelter from the Sun (and Center City Sips)

And now, from P. Thatcher, a report I have long been waiting to read. -Adam

Yesterday I stepped out of work and decided that it was a good day for a cocktail. Amuse came to mind as an alternative, but my gut was to try Ranstead Room first. Along the way I noticed several big crowds out, included a loud party over at 19th and Market. I was surprised for a moment wondering at big crowds on a Wednesday night. But comprehension soon dawned as I remembered that Center City Sips has started a couple of weeks ago.

Walking through the late afternoon sunshine, it was about 5:30 when I reached the Ranstead Room. I pushed open the first door and really was blind for a moment in the relative darkness. But I adjusted quickly-must be all the carrots I eat.

So it was that I managed to be one of the first folks in for the evening. David, standing nattily attired and ready to deliver, was the bartender this evening. I took a front-row seat at the soft bar to watch him do his work.

After asking me a few questions about my interests for the evening, he began preparing my drink. First off was a Toronto Cocktail. It was a magical paintbrush of a drink, and set the world even righter.

As I sat and sipped, I observed other folks starting to walk in. First a young man waiting for his date, then another couple who also took on a bit of the bar.

I had to decide what to do next, and decided upon grapefruit as the touchstone of my next drink. Again, the good wizard was ready with a drink, this time the Hemingway Daiquiri.

Now the world was expending, and I could ponder upon all that was right with the world. Including my having to read A Farewell to Arms long ago in high school.

By now I was getting hungry, and so I tried the cheese plate. I can say definitively the blue cheese and goat cheese were excellent. They were washed with a bit of a margarita-style drink I'd requested on the wild hare idea of a liquid General Tso's.

Finally I was ready to return to the outside world. By this time the sun had kindly chosen to dim a bit and I could continue on with my night.

If you have ever been frustrated getting a seat, going early is an excellent strategy. I was dressed business casual, and felt I blended in fine. But in general it's a good place to dress up. The service is excellent. The prices are reasonable for what's being provided.

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